Gayspeak: 화랑 (Flower Boys)

After a busy Christmas week, I'm back! My boyfriend is visiting, and seeing his beautiful face reminds me of all the beautiful Korean men in history. So I wanted to introduce a historical word to my readers today:

화랑 (hwa-rang)

During the Shilla Dynasty, the Hwarang were a group of male youth that dressed well, wore makeup and were trained in horsemanship, archery, javelin, and swordsmanship (ㅋㅋ). The Hwarang were known for their prostitution and homosexuality. Sounds like the Shilla Dynasty was pretty fun. Wikipedia has a pretty extensive article on the Hwarang if you want to learn more.


There is a musical playing in Daehangno called 화랑! Check out the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism for more information.