Former Edison Mayor Jun Choi to run for Congress in 2012

“I’m back!” declares Jun Choi.

Choi, former mayor of Edison, N.J. from 2006 to 2009, has announced his congressional bid to run for Congress in Jersey’s 7th District—a district encompassing parts of Hunterdon, Middlesex, Somerset and Union Counties.

In an e-mail to his supporters this week, Choi outlined his achievements while serving as mayor of Edison—a township that is 43.2% Asian according to the 2010 Census—and his plans if elected to Congress:

I’m so proud to offer something new and different to the voters of our district.  As Mayor of Edison, I helped create thousands of new jobs and brought fiscal discipline to the Township’s bloated, inefficient government while improving services for residents. I recruited top professional managers, fought entrenched special interests and brought a business sense to Edison government.  I will continue to advocate for the issues which we care deeply about in Washington, DC – to renew America in the 21st Century by strengthening our fiscal position, revitalizing our national economy, creating high quality jobs and improving public education.

Choi is running against Republican Leonard Lance, a former state senator who has represented the 7th district since 2009.

To help Choi reach 500 new donations before June 30th, his campaign’s first fundraising deadline, go to:

[photo: Jun Choi for Congress]


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