Fish & Chips from Sydney Seafood, Haebang chon.

Living in Korea there's two traditional British foods I miss. One of these is Sunday roast dinners and the other is fish and chips. If you're British then you'll probably know what I mean.

Well I have good news, there is somewhere in Seoul serving pretty decent fish and chips.
It's called Sydney seafood, if you've ever been to Sydney then you'll know fish and chips are popular there too. I stopped by one evening last week and picked up some tasty take away.

Here are the goods....


I wasn't expecting great things having tried a couple of bad attempts at fish and chips here in the past. I was pleasantly surprised. Very pleasantly actually. The fish flaked apart and was very moist enclosed in a very crisp, flavorful batter. It was served with chips (thick cut french fries to any Americans reading this) which also seemed pretty close to the real deal.

The only criticism I have about this place is that they had salted the fish and chips. I like a bit of salt on them but some places had been hit with a hefty dose. So if I were you I'd recommend asking them to go light on the salt or ask to salt them yourself instead.

The restaurant is located on the second floor of the crossroad in Haebang Chon area.
It also serves some other dishes like garlic prawns and cod in lemon butter sauce. So I think I'll be paying it another visit some time soon.


As far as the fish and chips go, I loved them. I may have possibly been in Korea a tad too long to comment on the authenticity of them with true objectivity. However, 6000 miles away from the real deal I'd say they do very well as a substitute. They are delicious in their own right, whether they do taste exactly like the ones from your local chippy or not.

The restaurant has tables inside if you prefer to eat in. The menu is more extensive if you eat in too.

To get to Sydney Seafood go out of exit 2 of Noksapyeong Station. Walk straight for about 2/3 minutes. You'll see the restaurant on the opposite side of the road on the corner. You need to take the underpass to get to it, you'll see that too!

Sydney Seafood Fish 'n Chips
2nd Floor, 671 Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Telephone: 02 790 2722

Please leave a comment to let me know your take on things if you visit. Also, I'd be interested to know what other foods from home everyone misses?

 I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


- Posted from my iPhone for you! ^^

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