Erratum Notification for Korea Times Readers: I am not a US Imperialist


On the editorial page of today’s Korea Times, a significant misprint of my writing occurred.

The editorial, “Implication of US Budget Deficit for Korean Security,” reads: “Although America should be globocop, America’s finances force the obvious question of whether it can.” It should have read: “Even if one believes America should be globocop, America’s finances force the obvious question of whether it can.” Due to this and other editorial issues, I have asked the editors to remove the electronic version and to print an erratum retraction tomorrow.

Readers interested in the original argument can refer to the original blog-post on which the op-ed was based – here.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thank you for visiting my website.

2 pm UPDATE: The editorial has since been republished in its correct form.

Filed under: Foreign Policy, Korea (South), Media, United States

Robert E Kelly
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science & Diplomacy
Pusan National University
