Destination: World Cup Park, part 2

My last visit to the World Cup Park seemed far too short, yet I spent most of the day there. This time around, I went with a better knowledge of where things were and how they were organized. Across the street from the World Cup Stadium was a large market. Plenty of fish, vegetables, and fruits for the locals or curious tourists courageous enough to meander in.

Grinding red peppers to make gochujang, or red pepper paste.

It's not just garlic, it's almost artsy.

A jangseung, or Korean totem pole intended to scare away evil spirits. There's quite a few in the first section of the World Cup Park in front of a convenience store.

Wide open spaces with plenty of room to move around, or just take a picnic if the weather were warmer.

A walk up several zig-zags worth of stairs to reach Hanuel Park - the grass park built on top of a landfill. Although it's quite large - 192,000 square meters - a majority is dedicated to the grasses that grow here. The Eulalia and Cogongrass grow on the northern side of the park, while sunflowers and buckwheat grow on the southern side. Amazing what some official websites will tell you.

The view looking down at the rest of World Cup Park - Pyeonghwa Park to be specific. That the view is spoiled by the smog can't be helped.

After walking up the stairs and to the right, you'll eventually see a monument welcoming you to Haneul Park.

The main dirt paths are wide enough for the crowds, although there are a few that cut into and around the grassy areas as well:

While one of the more spread-out places in Seoul, it definitely earns the 'environmentally friendly' award, as well as a great reuse of land. There's not as much to see up there, and I wish signs displayed more English to help people realize the accomplishment. In the end, the entire area is worth exploring, but give it a full day or more. Don't forget your good walking shoes!

Ratings (out of 5 taeguks):
Ease to arrive:


Convenience facilities:

Worth the visit:

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