The Dear Leader Imitates a Company Boss (Video)

The Dear Leader disses a former American president, like any good flag officer or manager avoiding a meeting. Reports of Kim Jong-il and his son’s trip are rife. But, is it a bad turn, even if rude? I have to agree with Jacob Heilbrunn.

My take: It’s good to see that filial piety is still a priority in North Korea.

Kim may specialize in nabbing American hostages–he used to focus on kidnapping young Japanese female film stars for his seraglio–but he is adhering to Confucian traditions in upholding family values. He wants to make sure that Kim Jong-un gets his.

It’s good for Pyongyang to take its un-Juche-like subservience so well. But, it could also warn opportunists seeking to steal media coverage with quixotic trips to the DPRK, that Pyongyang can always deny them the limelight. It’s time to put these embarrassing sideshows to rest.

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Filed under: East Asia, Korea, USA Tagged: china, dprk, jimmy carter, kim jong il, north korea, prc