Bump in the Road

Hello readers!

I haven't blogged in a few days. I have an explanation... and a confession.

I officially fell off the wagon. Yesterday and the day before I stepped a bit off the deep end emotionally and ate food that I wasn't supposed to eat for another 2 months. I'm not going to go into detail. All you guys need to know is that I blew it because stress won out over my willpower.

These past few days have been extremely stressful for reasons that I'll explain on a later date.

I've found that in the states, I never had trouble with binge eating. I would eat food that wasn't very good for me, but I wouldn't gorge myself to that filling point. In Korea? I've done it on more than one occasion (not recently, at least not until yesterday). It must be homesickness. I have to learn how to battle that kind of thing if I want to succeed with the goals I've given myself.

Thankfully I'm on an exercise plan now which helped balance out my little indiscretion. But, it still knocked me back some days.

Today, I woke up feeling 100% dedicated to getting back on track.

I guess I needed that little dip in the road to get me fired up for continuing on to meet my goals.

I want to say, to those of you who are struggling with your exercise or diet plan, don't get overly discouraged if you mess up. You didn't ruin everything! Don't think that way! A mess up doesn't mean failure, it means temporary lapse! You can get right back on the horse, and maybe even be a little stronger for it.

Though I'm still feeling stressed, I feel more ready to handle the stress that's facing me. I have a plan, I have a goal, and I have a dream to follow with the support of those whose love is the most important to me.

I'm very happy to announce that I'm back on track! With health, with fitness, with my life in general!

I'll publish a proper blog later with updates on my T-TAPP challenge.

Everyone have a great rest of the week! Round it out strong!

Until next post,
