Book Giveaway: Korea The Impossible Country by Daniel Tudor

This is the Kimchi Queen's first book giveaway! The folks at Tuttle Press have a score of books on Korea and in this sweepstakes will be giving two copies of Korea: The Impossible Country to readers of this blog.

The book is an easy read outlining Korean historical roots, cultural codes, and modern society. Though those who have been in Korea may be quite familiar with most of the contents in the book, there are a few bits that will be surprising to even long-term expats (I, for one, didn't know much about shamanism (musok) and Tudor was able to talk directly with a musok-in. I also quite enjoyed the interview with Oldboy's star Choi Min-sik)

Readers of this blog will be curious about the penultimate chapter "We Are Not Aliens From Another Cosmos" which briefly discusses homosexuality in historical times as well as the repercussions of Hong Seok-cheon's coming out and his recent comeback. Though the chapter itself gives a nice overview, I was a bit surprised by the negativity that Tudor ended the chapter with (that society as a whole may never treat homosexuals equally). One of the Korean aspects that Tudor emphasized was an innate ability to yield to reality, which "has enabled society to accept change when it becomes clear that change is needed." I think it is quite clear that younger generations are realizing that society needs to change (a recent poll showed that 39% of the younger generation believes that homosexuality is sometimes or always justified and it looks like politicians are going to be heading down that path (Mayor Park Won-soon was almost there).I am actually quite hopeful and think gay marriage will probably be legalized around 2020. 

Anyways... So, readers, interested in getting a copy of Korea: The Impossible Country? Through Tuttle Press I'll be giving out two copies. I want to hear your thoughts on whether the LGBT community will be treated equally in Korea in the future and if so, when? Leave a comment below (probably not anonymously or I won't be able to let you know you've won) or send an e-mail to [email protected]. I'll choose two readers at random. 

Oh and in case you are wondering where you heard Daniel Tudor's name from, he is the guy that opened the Booth in Gyeongnidan. Such wonderful pizza and beer...

Good luck!


Re: Book Giveaway: Korea The Impossible Country by Daniel Tudor

In my own viewpoints , the LGBT Community should be accepted in Korea since it is a natural phenomenon. Homosexuality is not a disease. It is not a disorder. It is not a sin. Does it cause harm to people? No. Does it result to great harm to society? No.  God created us equally, naked without bonds. It is definitely a person's fault if he/she doesn't like to live with the sex he/she is. As individuals, we have our own feelings. We have the natural power to feel. Being inlove is natural. It goes with being a human being.  

Since God created us equally, there should also be an equality in the society. We are all humans, so the homosexuals do. And since we are all the same, we also have our own human rights. Humans have  the right to live, for liberty and to choose for decisions. 

Being true to yourself is better than pretending. What is more important is that a person knows and accepts what he/she really is. It is the most important for being a human. Atleast, homosexuals know who they really are. 

As stated in the South Korean Constitution or in the Civil Penal Code. Article 31 of the Korean Human Rights Committee Law states that "no individual is to be discriminated against on the basis of his or her sexual orientation." , thus, we should respect this phenomenon.  The LGBT Community should be treated equally, not tomorrow nor the day, nor net week, nor next month, nor next year. The equaloty should be implemented now. 

We live in a beautiful world, so why should we just blend in with these structures built in the society? Let's just accept each other and let the love exist! With that, we will live with peace and harmony! 

* TT_TT I badly need this book for my Political Analysis Term Paper, I wish I will be chosen to have this book. T_T *