Beyond the Superficial: The New Korea Files

What do people think about when they think about Korea? Especially if they have never been to Korea, but have become interested in the food or culture. How can you take these folks beyond the typical things like bulgolgi and K-pop, and into the world that most of us expats know about?

The group, The New Korea Files, headed by Charles Montgomery of KTLIT,  is doing such an endeavor. We are trying to collect pieces of writing, artwork, poetry and other media and put it into a book, which will bring the same delights and discoveries that we have made to the person outside Korea.

Today, a few of us from the group met up in Itaewon at the Wolfound to discuss our goals and ideas about the project. It was a great meet-up that enabled us to really figure out our direction and where to go next.

Also, it involved some good eats where I enjoyed the Greek salad.

We still need submissions, though folks. And so I am asking you to take a look at the website and get a feel for this project. We particularly need people to write about certain topics such as, K-pop, noreabangs, night life, etc.

My involvement includes the artwork to be presented and illustrated throughout the book, but we are willing to bring in other talents into this project. Think about it and I hope to see your submissions!