Arnold Schwarzenegger to star in Kim Ji-woon’s ‘The Last Stand’

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former California governor who was recently involved in a scandal for fathering a child with his housekeeper, is returning to Hollywood. Schwarzenegger will star in South Korean director Kim Ji-woon‘s first English language film, The Last Stand, a Western set to begin production this September.

Kim, already an established director in his home country with numerous awards under his belt, is known to be a “perfectionist” accustomed to working with actors of the highest caliber, reports Twitch. His most recent works include I Saw the Devil (2010) and The Good, The Bad, The Weird (2008).

Deadline reports that Schwarzenegger will play a 63-year-old man faced with a moral decision about whether or not he should stand up for his town.

The film is expected to hit theaters in 2012.

[Photo: Mike Marsland/Wire Image]