and so it goes

full circle together 2010-2011
To the EPIK Class of August 2010, here we are, 365 days later...the pictures to remind us, the battle wounds to prove it and the inside jokes to keep us smiling. Thank-you for joining us at Eva's last night to watch the video that brings these memories to life. Although entirely cliche, lets 'cheers to the nights you'll never remember, with the friends you'll never forget!'
reclaiming youth
Hyunhee, June and I
I've been asked countless times over the last few weeks 'what will you miss the most?' 'what is the first thing that you are going to do/eat/buy in Toronto?' so I decided to dedicate a post to answer these questions. 
kym + alex + jen + matt = family

womanlove, onelove
Leaving Korea, I am sorry to say goodbye to: subway fobs, #504, humpday hangouts, uh uh, my celebrity status, no tax, cheap taxis, Family Mart and underground cell service. Heading home I cannot wait to: taste barbecued corn on the cob, satisfy my sweet tooth (hello Smartfood, Fudgee-Os and sour patch kids), be invited to try clothes on, eavesdrop on conversations in public and dockside Coronas up north. 
Haeundae Beach
My dear Busan family, I don't know what I expected but I didn't expect you, jackpot. Toronto, you hold my roots, can't wait to sprout some new ones with ya... I'm coming home.