코스 1-1 | Course 1-1

Before: I’ve been calling our trek a ‘jaunt’, but it’s looking to be more of a ‘slog’. It’s very wet and windy at 6:30 and it’s worth considering a delay. WeatherBug declares confidently that the rain will end at 11:45. Would it be better to head out at 11:46? I’m torn between sticking to my word and checking my ego to preserve my feet and spirit – today is the first of 6 days out here.

My trusty Muzi umbrella would languish in these winds, but leaving it makes me feel bare. Will my Yeosu Expo jacket be enough? What about my face? and other thoughts trickle in as it nears 7 am.

After: An all-weather morning – that’s for sure! Megan and I ended up sticking to the plan of an early departure mostly so we could rest in the afternoon in a glaze of self-satisfaction.

The starting point at Imnang Beach 임랑해수욕장 in Gijang, Busan, 부산 기장군 is not far from the bus stop (Imnang 3-way Intersection 임랑삼거리) and was pretty easy to find. We happily stamped our official books (available at district offices 구청 in Busan) and began our day dressed in rain jackets and hats. We both stepped in one puddle each to learn the lesson and trekked on through the muddy, rainy morning.

Ribbons and sign posts showed us the way through tiny harbors and very rural neighborhoods. Dirt roads, sidewalks, rocky coasts, sandy paths, and other mostly flat terrain made up the course today. We can look forward to more elevation tomorrow on Course 1-2.

I found the course mostly well-marked (ribbons every 50 feet or so) and with facilities (restrooms every so often and showers at the beaches). Looking out over the rocky coast reminded me of home in Maine and the pace was just right. Sometimes ahead and sometimes behind, but always within sight. It was nice to have a companion and we got to catch up our personal finance talk – a favorite subject second only to fitness.

Course 1-1 ended up being 12.5 km and just over 3 hours for us – a reasonable and proper first day on foot. Now it’s all resting with our feet up and our muddy, sweaty gear hanging. Delivery chicken on the way and beer already in hand!

Future walkers, comment with any course questions and I’ll reply below.

Galmaetgil 365
A year of movement