영어 Slang of the Day #11: Q: 너 죽을래? A: "Bring it."

Use the phrase "bring it" when you are not backing down from a challenge

When you are being challenged by a person, or in an argument, many times the opposing person may attempt to intimidate you by using a personal or physical challenge.  Sometimes, you may want to retreat.  Sometimes, you may not want to retreat, but show to the other person that you have no intent of backing down.  When you have no intent of backing down, you can use the phrase "bring it."

Simple examples.
A.  I am going to crush you this time (at paduk).
B.  Bring it.

A.  I am going to show everyone that I am prettier than you.
B.  Bring it.

It is uncertain, but bring it most likely is short for "bring it on," and so instead of "bring it on," you get "bring it."  This is common, in that the origination of slang can be unknown, but the meaning is not in question.

Other, related phrases exist, such as "bring my A game," which means bring your best abilities forward.  A quick example would be "Chul-ho is a good golfer, so I better bring my A game if I want to win." 

"Bring it" is a very diverse phrase.  For example, in both examples above, you can use the phrase "bring it."  A similar phrase is "hit me with with your best shot."  It has a very similar meaning.  However, it doesn't really fit the second example above.  "Bring it" can be used in both situations.  Since The Lost Seoul wants native Korean speakers to discard unnecessary vocabulary, there is no need to remember "him me with your best shot," and instead, use "bring it."

Given that it is slang, "bring it" should not be used in a professional setting.  It can be used with friends when you are playing or joking.  Using this phrase in a real, confrontational situation can create real animosity.  So be careful.


Re: 영어 Slang of the Day #11: Q: 너 죽어래? A: "Bring it."

The correct term is "죽을래?" and it doesn't mean bring it on, it actually means do you want to die. If you use it to someone you aren't close to you are gonna be in real trouble. It's main usage is when you are threatening someone who has done something that angers you.

A closer term to bring it on would be "죽는다" and it translates to "you are dead."

Re: 영어 Slang of the Day #11: Q: 너 죽어래? A: "Bring it."

Actually, I meant it the way that it was written.  "You wanna die" amongst joking male students is easily heard.   In either case, you are right that if either phrase is used with an enemy, then a fight is brewing.

Please read the entire post: what appears on Koreabridge.net is incomplete.   The complete post gives the proper context for usage.

Thanks for reading.