
Knock knock

Is there anyone there?, wow, how long have I been gone from the bloggosphere?

It might be time for another "Daily Posts Month"!, I don't have a crazy fun and exciting life, but hey, sometimes random things might happen and what's better than to put that into writing to keep it forever...

We are back (actually, we came back a week ago) from our Vacation in Kuala Lumpur, I still can't believe how blessed we are for being able to experience all of this. m

Some will say our situation isn't that good but we've learned to appreciate the little things and those surrounding us. We have a nice bunch of friends to Party, cry, have fun and just chill around us and I have the most important person I can ask for.... my Sister whom I'll always be thankful for allowing me to live my dream and take it as her own.

And since I don't want to cry and get all sentimental; this should be it for today.

Don't forget we are now Vlogging over at Youtube as: Double Trouble en Corea

-Gisela V

The Julie/Julia/Gisela Project
Food & Culture

The Julie Julia Gisela Project