- Do you think masks should still be required on public transportation in Korea? - 91 votes - open
- How much are you following the World Cup? - 20 votes - open
- How are you feeling about inflation? - 105 votes - open
- How was your typhoon experience? - 25 votes - open
- What are you typhoon plans? - 6 votes - open
- How was your summer? - 61 votes - open
- Do you think masks should still be required on public transportation in Korea? - 172 votes - open
- Favorite part of Spring in Korea? - 38 votes - open
- Who do you want to be the next president of Korea? - 46 votes - open
- What's your favorite Winter Olympic Sport? - 56 votes - open
- Top Personal Goal for 2022? - 32 votes - open
- How was 2021....for you personally? - 32 votes - open
- On average, how many times do you wear a mask before throwing it out? - 66 votes - open
- Prediction: When do you think masks will no longer be required indoors? (in Korea) - 93 votes - open
- Autumn Update: What is your Covid Vaccine status NOW? - 130 votes - open
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