Why Incheon is the world’s best airport

On my first trip to Korea, I flew budget airline AirAsia and ended up arriving at 11pm in winter. Heading into Seoul to look for accommodation in the freezing cold was not a good idea, so I opted to sleep over in the airport.

I’ve slept in many airports and even in most first-world countries (eg. Australia, Spain etc) the best you can expect is a nap on a row of chairs and maybe a wipe-down in the toilet. Unless you want to fork out big money for the posh airport hotel.

To my surprise, Incheon Airport actually has a Spa on Air where you get a nice hot shower and sauna in luxurious clubhouse-style facilities, clean clothes to sleep in and a warm sleeping area, all for 20,000won or US$20. Read more here.

Then of course there are the live performances. It seems that you can always find a classical quintet or folk song duo somewhere around the corner. How charming!

To round it off, Incheon has great transport options, convenient banking facilities and sells useful items like Korean Sim Cards. Little wonder that it’s often ranked Best Airport in the World.

I maintain this site as a hobby and have personally verified or experienced most of the information posted here. However, prices and conditions may have changed since my last visit. Please double check with other sources such as official tourist hotlines to avoid disappointment. If you’d like to contribute an update or additional useful information for other travelers, please comment below!
Prices provided in Korean won or US dollars.