Zen Plastic Surgery


Business/Organization Type: 

Zen Plastic Surgery in Busan is a clean, state of the art modern plastic surgery located in Centum City, Busan. We offer many services and would like the foreign community to know that you have a place to go if you are looking for treatments to better improve yourself.

We are able to accommodate you in English and are offering special deals for foreigners:)

Zen Plastic surgery Summer event (korea won)

Target: Customers visiting Zen
Period: Until August 30th

01.Eye plastic surgery event

- Burial: 450,000 won
- Buried + non-incision eye correction: 700,000 won
- Natural adhesion + eye correction: 900,000 won
- Under-eye fat relocation: 750,000 won
- Lower eyelid + fat relocation: 1,000,000won

02. Noble chin surgery
- Chin implant: 890,000 won
-Nasolabial implants: 890,000 won

03. Squad hip plastic surgery
- Hip implant: 9,000,000won
- Lifting with hip bell: 990,000won

04. Breast Augmentation
-Mentos Muscle: 450,000won
-Harvest breast fat transplant: 2,790,000 won
- Chest Velody Lifting: 990,000won
- Male gynecomastia surgery: 2,500,000 won ~

- Arm suction + aftercare: 2,500,000won
- Abdominal & flank suction + aftercare: 3,500,000 won
- Thigh suction + aftercare​: 3,500,000 won

06. Volume face autologous fat transplant (including secondary)
- Fat transplant: 1,500,000 won
- Stem cell fat transplant: 1,700,000 won

07. Cheekbone reduction surgery
- Minimum incision quick clown: 1,490,000 won

08. Smooth legs
- Calf reduction surgery: 990,000 won

※ Zen provides one-time accommodation in Busan to foreign patients undergoing surgery.

We are holding a variety of events like this, and our highly skilled medical staff provides direct treatment and provides high-quality results.

If you have any questions please feel free to send a message (100% English) or call 051-918-7757/7755. 010-4401-7757.
You can ask for DR. Kim or DR. Park

Thank you and we appreciate the work you do in Korea!
