GIFT Ministry


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Every day we face choices, new tasks, new challenges, new obstacles, sometimes new jobs, new relationships, and for many of you a new or different life in a new country and culture different from where you grew up. Sometimes we need help in adjusting and making sense of things. At GIFT Ministries every Saturday at 10:30am in Dongnae (see the maps below and go to the blue dot in the maps), you’ll find a place where you can connect with other foreigners (and very helpful Koreans) with up to 17 years experience living in Korea who have experienced what you’re going through and know many of the ins and outs of getting adjusted and creating a memorable and enjoyable experience (we also have many useful ideas on teaching effectively, finding jobs, legal issues, etc.). We like to get away from the daily grind and refresh and re-energize ourselves with:
·        fellowship with a community of foreigners going through similar experiences. Koreans are also welcome (and sometimes there are translations, but not consistently yet).
·        inspiring music, stories, videos, etc.
·        outings and retreats that can help you enjoy some of the interesting places in and around Busan
·        games, parties, and good food
·        service activities where you can use your talents to enrich the lives of others (a major factor in happiness according to the Bible, numerous scientific studies and Nobel prize winners like Albert Schweitzer who wrote, “One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve”) and MOST important of all,
·        studying words of life from our Creator and experiencing His love, wisdom and truth. His plans for your life are higher than the highest human though and there is nothing more relevant that can impact our modern lives.

Here are a couple links on how following Biblical principles of health can add ~10-15 years to your life (and give you many other benefits including according to CNN saving up to $2000/yr). National Geographic and Blue zones (both respected secular organizations) confirm that people who follow God’s biblical health principles (such as Adventists) are among the 4 longest living people groups on the planet. See: Normal 0 (see esp. the section starting at 11:30)

It has also been reported by National Geographic:

PETA (which is not a Christian group) has NUMEROUS statistics on why meat eating is really bad for health and our world. See especially the sublinks such as:

Health is just one of many ways that God wants you to live a life full, rich and vibrant. God says it this way:
· “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10 (NLT)

Come join us on the journey on Saturdays at 10:30am at GIFT Ministry. See the map below. More maps, contact info and other info are at:  Please don't hesitate to call or e-mail if you have problems finding us.
Best of everything to you in your experience here and we pray that God's love and truth will enrich your lives,
Bryan Bissell (professor at Dongsuh University): 010-7999-8644,
Bob Snell (professor at PUFS University) 010-3319-1365, & Maranatha Gallardo (teacher): 010-7475-6104
P.S. If you want to how the Bible has had a major impact and pioneered many of the benefits and human rights we enjoy today, I encourage you to visit this site (It’s Jewish, but Christians and Jews both honor the parts of the Bible these principles come from as inspired):