Seoul Kotesol Chapter December Workshop


Saturday, December 10, 2011 - 15:00


Event Type:


Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation (and Discipline)

 In the EFL Environment
3-5 pm Saturday December 10, 2011 
Room 105 Injaeguan Center, Sookmyung Women's University 

After a brief review of what intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are, and the four major schools of thought on motivation, we will look at some common problems encountered in the Korean EFL classroom and discuss some effective solutions for them based on both the attendees and the presenter’s experience. Participants will walk away with some (hopefully new) ideas for how to keep their students under control and on task during our often limited class time. 


Tory S. Thorkelson (M.Ed in TESL/TEFL) is a proud Canadian who has been an active KOTESOL member since 1998 and has presented at or worked on many local and international conferences in Seoul. He is the Past President for Seoul Chapter and is an Associate Professor for Hanyang University’s English Language and Literature Department. He has co-authored research studies (see ALAK Journal, December 2001& June, 2003 as well as Education International September 2004 V1-2) and a University level textbook, “World Class English”, with a team of fellow Kotesol members published by Hakmun Publishing Inc. On a personal note, he married his Korean wife on July 6th, 2002 and has acted in local Drama Productions like “I Do Not Like Thee. Dr. Fell” and “A Christmas Carol – the Comedy” for The Seoul Players – a group he helped found in Seoul. His daughter, Jean, was born May, 2008 and he is now pursuing his Doctorate in Professional Studies from Middlesex University in the UK.