Live Music: OL’55 18th Anniversary Party w/ 책거리 & Barbie Dolls


Saturday, June 10, 2023 - 21:30


Event Type:

OL'55 18th Anniversary Party! This Saturday, June 10th @ OL'55 we are celebrating 18 years of this place! That's nuts, and we’re gonna be going rock and roll styles with the Barbie Dolls- a band that has almost been playing here that long! 책거리, another Collwyn joint, is gonna warm up for them! Music is set to start at 9:30! And it’s FREE.

There is a strong chance of jams and merrymaking into the wee hours.

OL’55 was born back in 2005, and it has been home to a lot of us ever since. Come see some friendly faces on Saturday! 

--OL'55 18주년 파티!  ❤️--

➡️오엘55의 18주년 축하파티 함께해요! 
.언제: 6월 10일 토요일 
.입장: 무료
1. 책거리 밴드의 오프닝 공연 
2. The Barbie Dolls 밴드의 로큰롤 스타일 공연과 파티 ~!
3. 늦은 밤까지 잼 연주

OL'55는 2005년에 오픈했으며, 이후로 많은 사람들에게 집같이 편한 공간이 되었습니다.  
토요일, 반가운 얼굴들과 만나요!