Like a Fox @ Brickhouse Daejeon


Friday, December 9, 2011 - 22:30


Event Type:

Obey the Magnificent Giant Fox!
Come to Eunhan-dong (Old Downtown) to hang out in the most tree'd, appealing, friendly and magical area in Daejeon. 

In addition to spending sometime in this beautiful part of the city (and thereby NOT throwing all your money into the gutters of Dunsan) you and your dearest friends will get to watch Like a Fox play two, one hour-long sets... For free! OH MY GAS-RANGEY!

Join us for some dancing, some humming, and, god willing, some hand clapping.

Please take note, Brickhouse has authentic Canadian beer at Korean beer prices. They also make a cheeseburger so rich it'll make your Gucci bag whimper with that is pretty awesome too...

To get to Eunhangdong get off at the Jungangno (중앙로) subway stop.