Art Exhibition


Saturday, December 10, 2011 - 14:00


Event Type: 

Yuhee and Sea are throwing a fun art show 'The Backroom' at the cozy(dodgy?) studio by Gwang-Ahn Beach!

Under the flickering fluorescent light, you'll find crazy little drawings, paintings, paper-cutouts,... and other weird things filling the walls, ceilings, and the attic.

Those images come from day dreaming in a small backroom - in our heads.
You know that little happy place where your mind crawls up when you're faced with great stress or boredom?
Yeah. I'm sure you've doodled on textbooks or notepads while your mind wanders through there. Our show is basically a collection of those doodles expressed in different ways.

It's a care-free exhibition with music, wine, and playthings for you.
That's right. We want you to have some childish fun, too.
Why should kids get to do all the fun things?

Well, speaking of kids, throughout the show, we will work with Busan Volunteers to collect toys for orphanage kids.
New toys are good but as long as they are reasonably clean, donating used ones is just fine. So bring out all the old toys in your backrooms! (No. You keep your grown-up toys.)

Also, there will be other ways to donate, like art auctions, the 'guess how many?' jar, and little fun stuff you can buy.

Opening party starts at 4pm on Saturday Dec 10th.
Some wine & fingerfood will be served to get you in the mood for hanging out at Gwang-Ahn Beach afterwards.

More exhibition events will be updated here, so come back & check it out!