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김반장 (Kim Ban Jang), the notorious bandleader and freedom fighter associated with the amazing groups WINDY CITY and I & I DJANGDAN brings his live dub experience to Busan for the first time!
김반장은 윈디시티와 아이엔아이 장단 그룹에 속해 있었고 이번엔 비빔덕트리오라는 그룹으로 부산에 처음으로 공연을 선보인다.
A Bibim Dub Trio show is an immersive experience of music and visuals, and represents live dub at its purest and best-executed. This is a group that is immensely knowledgable about the dynamics of live dub music, and puts on a show with tons of gear, live FX processing, stacks of keyboards, and live drums and electronics. They have the know-how and experience it takes to play dub music in its full mind-warping glory, with sounds jumping off walls and careening through your ears from every direction.
비빔덕 트리고 공연은 음악적, 시각적으로 가장 뛰어나고 깊이있는 라이브덥을 경헙해준다. 이들은 많은 음악장치, 라이브 FX, 여러개의 키보드와 라이브 드럼, 일렉트로닉으로 아주 효과적이고 멋진 다이나믹한 라이브를 선보인다.
Brought to you by RAD CITY
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