Where can I find a 24 hour fax machine in Busan?

I need to fax some documents to Canada on Monday morning (Eastern Standard Time)... Does anyone know where I could go in Busan?

Your help or advice is much appreciated!

Re: Where can I find a 24 hour fax machine in Busan?

I do not search for a fax machine in a rural area, but to simply log in at www.efax.com

to fax any file directly from your comp any time available. Most of all stationary shop owns their local fax machine, but do not use it for int'l destinations. But it can be suggested if you say you can provide a int'l calling card, or any extra charge to dial 001 for int'l phone call extension number up front to your recipient's number. Otherwise, go some hotel business centers or ER's at hub hospitals to use their int'l fax svc. There are so many. Go google it with 'internet fax' 인터넷 팩스 or 'international fax'국제팩스.