University breach of contract - what recourse is there?

Hello all, I would love some advice on behalf of a friend who wishes to remain anonymous. He is a Professor on an E1 and it is illegal for him to teach minors, but his Uni made him teach a summer camp with minors. He has also been dic*ed around with scheduling and his uni is double counting national holidays with his vacation days. Can anyone point him in the right direction as to how to resolve this? thanks!

Re: University breach of contract - what recourse is there?

Taking recourse against your employer will likely lead to non-renewal of contract.  Having said that, you can report to the labor board any violations of labor law or an employment contract.

If the university has a hagwon license in their "community education program" it is not illegal for them to offer classes to children.

Whether or not it is illegal for an E1 to teach non-university students is a good question, but not one the instructor should worry about if they have instruction from the school to do so and are teaching in a school facility. (We can but follow orders!)

Counting of vacation days is a question of school personnel policies. Note that an employment contract at university invariably refers to school personnel policies. In most cases the Korean-language contract is binding and the English contract is merely for convenience (and full personnel policies are never, in my experience, translated to English in full, you are lucky to see the broad outlines in English).

I haven't read anything in the original post that is "breach of contract."

Re: University breach of contract - what recourse is there?

Is this by any chance .....* University because they (English Department) have a history of shady business practices and have been caught before. However, when confronted, they threatened their accuser with a lawsuit.

I can give you some firsthand experiences and experiences of colleagues in a personal message if you like.

Mod Note:  Because of Korea's libel laws, Koreabridge still errs on the side of caution when it comes to 'naming names'.  Please contact each of other via PM to share details.