This is just a quick update to let you know the finalised application dates for foreign students. The dates to apply for the Master's Course are November 30 (Monday) - Decmeber 16 (Wednesday).
The application for Korean students is running now, until 18th November. (I only just found out that Foreign students can apply later)
If you want any more specfic details about teh application then contact the administration of Silla at:
기타 자세한 사항은 대학원교학팀(사범관102호)으로 문의 바람
ㆍ TEL : (051)999-5209 ㆍ FAX : (051)999-5083
ㆍ 홈페이지 : http://grad.silla.ac.kr
Please contact at Graduate office [Rm 102, Teachers’ Bld; (051)999-5209]
If you want to contact me directly then email me at [email protected]
Have a good day
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