Mr. Wong's Hitler Bar in Busan, South Korea (previous name of bar)

I am looking to contact the  owner of a bar in Busan previously called The Hitler Bar to request chatting about a documentary I am producing on a relevant topic. Any suggetsions how I get ahold of him, as an article/blog post led me to this website. Ditler or Ceasar appears to be the current name of the bar if it still exists. Thanks!

Re: Mr. Wong's Hitler Bar in Busan, South Korea (previous ...

I know your post does not concern people's opinions about the name of the bar, but I feel like saying something.

IF there actually IS a bar, or WAS a bar by that name, then that might be one of the most ridiculous things i've heard recently, if not for a long time. 

How strange that someone would want to glorify an infamous, despised and wicked man by naming their bar after him. It disgusts me actually, to be so inconsiderate of all those that fought and died to defeat this cruel dictator who caused so much death and misery. I do not need to list examples, I hope.

How would he feel if he saw a bar named "Mr Smith's Hideki Tojo Bar in Melbourne." 

I am curious as to the nature of your documentary.

Edit: My answer, as you can tell, is no, I don't know the owner. After reading the link, it is clear that he is quite ignorant and "couldn't think" about how inappropriate it would be. However, he acknowledges how seeing a bar similarly named in another country would make him upset, yet proceeded to make Hitler the these of his bar anyway. I smell a contradiction. It seems that the article is 11 years old. It has been discussed already. Teaches me for not being thorough in my initial observation. I reacted emotionally. 


Re: Mr. Wong's Hitler Bar in Busan, South Korea (previous ...

The bar's been history for nigh on 9 years.  What exactly do you want to know?  An extremely insensitive (and ignorant--didn't have a clue that the Axis included Japan--Korea not being the most pro-Japanese country out there) owner decided to change the bar from Adolf Hitler to Ddolf Ditler because he couldn't afford to change the whole sign.