Looking for a pet fish/aquarium shop in Busan

Hi all,

Anybody know where there is a specialized fish and aquarium supply shop in Busan? 

I know there is stuff you can buy at the e-marts and home plus, but I am really looking for a place that sells more exotic fish, and a a better selection of supplies. Can anybody out there help me out?

Bests to all,


Re: Looking for a pet fish/aquarium shop in Busan

I can think of one between Kyungsung and Dayeon subway stations. To get there walk on the left side of the road (same side of the road as Outback and McDonalds) towards Dayeon.

Also some pet stores have pretty comprehensive supplies.

Re: Looking for a pet fish/aquarium shop in Busan

there is a pet fish shop in nampodong...i was there last month. theres a bunch of petshops on both sides of the road on the main road that leads to jalgachi subway station. they are all right at nampodong station. just get up on the main road. they all start at the corner across from where the lotte department store is. the pet fish shop is on the same side as the big shopping street (opposite side is jalgalchi markets). its a mid size shop i would say.