Man flights have become expensive here. 5 days to Beijing for 899 plus all kinds if extras. That used to be like 500 bucks. I went to Shanghai years ago for 280 bucks-this was over Lunar New Year. I love that companies added the fuel tax when oil was 150 a barrell but never got rid of it when it went back down. And the taxes here are getting crazy-like 33%. Travelling out kof Korea is not what is used to be although there are some good travel places out there. One is Lotte travel near Bexco. Also, for those in Jangsan, there is a place in the 2001 outlet (in basement). He speaks english and his rates are better than other places in Jangsan. Just a word to the wise. Some charge more because they claim to speak english but most places do now. Happy travels.
Re: Costs of Flights
Re: Costs of Flights
Re: Costs of Flights
Sorry it is US dollar paid off by my company. Any smart monkey can do that, as Christopher Smart did! Go to for the best offer depending on your departure date. Other online matches are very gross with non-existing bets, which I am not a great fan of. If you like a real game, google or other US travel sites. Best luck be with thy.