Irony and Busan FM

So during one of my worst blogging months ever (in terms of the number of posts) I have some exciting news: Busan FM asked me to join them for a radio show interviewing a few foreign bloggers in Korea. I'm excited and a bit nervous. It's kind of funny because I don't even own a radio though I just checked out the website and a lot of it is available streaming.

Things I'm nervous about:
-Getting nervous and babbling.
-My co-workers listening to the show.
-The blog posts they've chosen to read/talk about.

The first one is a bit inevitable though I've gotten better about speaking slowly under pressure as a teacher. I normally wouldn't have told anyone about the show at work because I'm a little embarrassed by that sort of attention from anyone outside of my family. However, I had to let them know why I wasn't playing volleyball or going to the teacher dinner tonight after saying that I would go on Monday. They think it's super cool and want to know when it will be broadcast and the name of the show. Here is how the conversation with my head teacher went:

Head teacher: When?
Me: I don't know.
Head teacher: *Looks incredulous. Has the 3rd grade English teacher translate just in case we were miscommunicating.*
Me: No really, I have no idea.
Head teacher: Show name?
Me: I don't know.
Head teacher: *continued look of disbelief that I don't know any details surrounding this*

It's a kind of last minute thing, I found out that I might be doing it late Monday night and I just got the question list today. 

The only thing that is legitimately worrying is if they read any excerpts from my blogs. In the beginning I tended to really, really ramble in a hyper fashion and get distracted by lots of shiny thoughts in the process. This is still true to some extent but I think I tend to stay more on task these days. Most of the time. I hope.

I'm going to go make soothing lists and read some newspapers. Thank god I only had to teach 3 classes today and am on top of grading and prep.

Wish me luck!


Re: Irony and Busan FM

I wouldn't get nervous Alex, they will ask you basic happy happy questions and nothing negative about Korea will be allowed or brought up. No brain chat, let's talk about your favorite Korean food that kind of stuff.

It's a propaganda network nothing more or less. Arirang of the airways. I really with they would talk about serious issues and people might take them that way instead of a joke.  

Re: Irony and Busan FM

I actually didn't find it that fluffy. We touched on things like the low quality of English language newspapers, the controversy surrounding repeat sex crime offenders and chemical castration, my favorite blogs, ups and downs of teaching--and at no point was I asked about my favorite food though I guess you could consider what my favorite things to do in Busan are as fluff.

Re: Irony and Busan FM

I've read your blog over the past few months and at no point would I ever think of you as fluff.

With that said. I'm shocked, really. All I have ever heard from this radio station in between the changing of cds in my car have been weird music from a Korean DJ who talks like he's asking a guy in the Bentley for some Grey Poupon or the standard Korea pep rally cheerleader hour.  

Was this conversation aired in entirety?

Re: Irony and Busan FM

You know I have no idea. It airs this Sunday at 7. James Turnball from the Grand Narrative will do the first 30 minutes, talking about gender roles in Korea and such and then I'll be doing the second segment. Jeff of KoreaBridge will be interviewing us and then there will be a post show live on KoreaBridge webcast thingy at 8 I think.