Urban Mountaineering

Update: the place I found is 숭인공원,  if anyone else wants to check it out. 

The picture below is the view from the hallway window at school. If you look very closely, there's a small pagoda on top of that little mountain in the distance. On Wednesday, I decided to try to go there.

My quest took me through increasingly narrow streets that slowly wound uphill.
Eventually, I reached a dead end. There was no way to keep going up on the streets. I could see the hilltop looming just beyond these stairs, so I took a deep breath... and started to climb.
and climb...
and climb and climb.
Eventually I came to this: A quaint, tree-filled park perched at the top of the hill.
It was a little oasis smack dab in the middle of northeast Seoul-- which is otherwise not very pretty.
I followed the path for a few minutes before I rounded a corner and saw this:

I had reached my destination! I looked out at the city below and low and behold, there was my school nestled among the hanok roofs and dilapidated buildings.
Mission accomplished.




Meg's Got Seoul
The Korean misadventures of a rehabilitated news writer.
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