Pet Sitting Network - South Korea


Business/Organization Type: 


The Pet Sitting Network is a group for people to trade pet-sitting services; it provides an economical, comfortable alternative to boarding your pet in a kennel. 
Our group welcomes members throughout Korea. You don't need a pet to participate, and there is no obligation to pet-sit if you join the group. We have occasional dog-walks and social events, too! 
Join our group and...
• be a part of the support system for pet owners in Korea... 
• make new friends and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow animal lovers... 
• find a secure home environment for your pet while you go on vacation...
• link with folks in your area for dog walks or play dates... 
• and if you don't currently have a pet, enjoy the company of a dog or cat for a short time while helping out a friend. 
Click on the link to find our new Page on Facebook.


Re: Pet Sitting Network - South Korea

My wife and I periodically travel, and are looking for someone near Gwangyang to trade some pet care with. Please respond if at all interested. Thank you

Re: Pet Sitting Network - South Korea

My name is Pam, the administrator of PSN. Your best bet to get a response is to join the Facebook group.  It would be the most reliable location to post your request.

Please use the above link to join. Thanks for your interest!
