
Rooftop Green Picnic


Sunday, March 31, 2024 - 13:30

누구나 꿈꿔봤을 봄날의 루프탑 낭만.
3월 마지막 일요일, 아울앤푸시캣에서 펼쳐집니다.

플라워 드로잉 클래스 (: 예약)
자전거 믹서기로 만드는 신선한 주스
초록초록한 식물 마켓
로컬 작가들의 작품을 즐기는 아트 마켓
핑거푸드와 낮술 한 잔의 낭만까지 허락된

루프탑 그린 피크닉으로 놀러오세요. :)

Flower Drawing Class by @naughty.muse.studios
ㄴ2024.3.31 SUN 13:30 - 14:30 (1 hour, ENG/KOR 동시 진행)
ㄴ15,000원 (드로잉 클래스 + 맥주 / 와인 / 탄산음료 중 택 1 포함)
ㄴ프로필 예약 링크를 통해 예약 가능합니다.

• 일시 : 2024.3.31 SUN 낮 12시 - 오후 6시


Event Type: 

Rus: sport and health community event


Thursday, March 21, 2024 - 13:45


В воскресенье, 24 марта, на базе Русской Гимназии пройдет семинар по питанию и коррекционной гимнастики для детей и взрослых. Семинар подойдет всем, кто интересуется здоровым образом жизни, осанкой и питанием.

Начало в 15.00.

Между лекциями кофебрейк. На лекциях можно задать все интересующие вопросы по теме. Бонус: если приведете ребенка на семинар, то мы сможем протестировать его осанку и дать рекомендации.

Стоимость участия 10.000.

Event Type: 

Busan Artists Networking Taco Brunch


Saturday, March 2, 2024 - 11:00

부산의 예술가들!

서로 만날 시간이에요!

서로를 응원하는 시간이에요!

협력할 시간입니다!


부산예술인네트워킹 타코브런치에 여러분을 초대합니다!


전문적이고 미숙한 예술가, 갤러리 대표, 디자이너 및 기타 창작자를 환영합니다!


What: 부산 예술가 네트워킹 타코 브런치

- 부산의 창작 커뮤니티

- Taqueria Pendejo의 타코와 수프

- 아티스트 토크

- 판화.


언제: 2024.03.02

               오전 11시~오후 2시


가격: 20,000원 (참가비, 타코&수프 3개, 음료, 판화포함)



Event Type: 



Friday, February 9, 2024 - 19:20

Please come to join art workshop DRAGON POSTCARD (nearby Songjeong station)

Year of Earth Dragon, starting from the 2024 


Naughty Muse studios is the respons to our personal need for a vibrant creative space with necessary equipment where we could express ourselves, collaborate, learn from each other and inspire each other.




Event Type: 

Busan Board Game Meet Up @ HQ Gwangan


Sunday, January 21, 2024 - 15:00

Hey board gamers,

It's our first Busan Board Gamers Monthly Meet Up of 2024, and we hope to keep things growing. So on Sunday, January 21st, show up, make some new friends, have a blast and learn some new games.

I've got a good number of games, so I'll be bringing a bag full each month. For this month, I'll be bringing:

Kabuto Sumo
Dice Throne
Codenames Pictures


Event Type: 

Art in English - drawing session for kids 7-8


Repeats every week every Saturday 10 times.
Saturday, October 7, 2023 - 10:00

From October we are starting drawing session in English for kids. The mail objectives of there sessions are: 

developing imagination, free way of thinking, improving planning, organizing and analyzing skills, learning various creative techniques, color, combinations

developing the ability to think, speak and listen in English. 

Price: 60 000 won per session or 200 000 won for 4 sessions (in October).


Event Type: 

Printmaking (Songjeong Beach area)


Repeats every 4 weeks every Tuesday until Wed Sep 27 2023.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - 19:00

Printmaking classes 

Tue 07:00 pm - 09:00 pm

It’s time to create. It’s time to experiment. It’s time to hand print! T-shirts, posters, postcards, anything that Muse inspires you to do!

8th of August - basic screen printing

15th of August - basic linocut print

22nd of August - basic mono print

29th of August - basic drypoint print (depends on customs clearance of press, might change to stencil print)



5th of September- basic screen printing


Event Type: 


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