
Koreabridge Blog Section

  • A tribute to a wonderful woman.......

    Busan, 02/04/10 I'm writing this sat in my oneroom apartment in Busan, South Korea. Having read a friend's touching eulogy to his departed father, who also passed away around this time of year, I feel it's a good time to look back on a wonderful woman, one who shaped and is still shaping my present and future. Who would have known that 5 years would pass by so quickly? It feels like yeste...
  • A tribute to a wonderful woman.......

    Busan, 02/04/10 I'm writing this sat in my oneroom apartment in Busan, South Korea. Having read a friend's touching eulogy to his departed father, who also passed away around this time of year, I feel it's a good time to look back on a wonderful woman, one who shaped and is still shaping my present and future. Who would have known that 5 years would pass by so quickly? It feels like yeste...
  • Patrick Star

    Unless you're Al Qaeda living in a cave, you know who this lovable and not-so-bright starfish is.  Spongebob Squarepants' best buddy - Patrick Star.

  • Event posting guidelines

    Once a month (the 1st day at 12:01am), I publish a post about what's going on in Seoul and / or Korea. While not meant to be comprehensive, I receive quite a few requests asking me to post about their events. I'm flattered, but not always able to get to those requests in time. In order to offer you some publicity, I suggest you leave a comment telling readers about your event. Think of monthly event posts as an open forum for events :)

    Remember to include a few things in your post for your maximum benefit:
  • Its the most wonderful time of the year

    April Fool’s Day is one of my favorite days.  Hallowe’en is also high on the list.

    This year, I was the new guy at work and wanted to be a little careful.  I wasn’t sure what the limits were. One thing I did was bring a rubber snake of my son’s, ’suddenly’ find it in my pocket and fling in apparent horror at a student.  Good times.

  • April Fools at School

    My April fools joke was not the best today, however I asked some students if they did anything in their classes and this was some answers:

    A: What did you do?
    S1: I told my friend, "I hate you!"
    A: That's not funny. Anybody else? What did you do?
    S2: We told the class president he was no longer wanted and we were taking away his position.
    A: Good one! What else did you do?
    S3: I'm a student
    Class: erupts with laughter.
    A: I don't get it?
    S3: You asked me, what do I do? and I am a student.
  • For You, Pops

    He had a heart as big as a truck and a laugh that could move a house. This was a hearty, sonic boom of a laugh, drawn from a seemingly endless well of mirth. It was released most often around the dinner table (where pops was the happiest), suddenly erupting and literally shaking the room. The man had an unstoppable joy, a playful, joking spirit that really had a life of its own. He laughed, teased, prodded and razzed, all the way until the end. So it should come as no surprise that my father was, in part, a mighty jester. After all, he was born on April 1st.
  • The Last of the Snow

    One dilemma we often face here at Lee's Korea Blog is the issue of deciding what constitutes reasonable blogging material and what most probably doesn't. The root cause of this we prefer to blame on a grad student life devoid of regularly-spaced exciting events. Once in a while, we receive a 'boring' vote in the feedback section, which is heavily scrutinized by our various entities. This is then followed by a period of deep and thoughtful soul searching. Does our formless audience wash up on the cybershores of LKB seeking witty charm and social commentary?
  • April 2010 events

    Author's note: this page will be updated as I get information or clarification on new events - check back often!

    Happening sometime in April (more information to come, possibly)
    Seoul Open Art Fair 2010 - although I haven't yet received any information about this year's event, last year's event featured 1,200 artists, 80 galleries, and over 5,500 pieces of art. Last year it was held at the Indian Hall at COEX, but we'll see where it is this year.


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