Cafe Dreamy - 꿈꾸는사진기 [ROK On! #60]

Cafe Dreamy - 꿈꾸는사진기 is located outside of Seoul nearest Yongmoon station. To get there, you should take a taxi to and from. Please support me by sharing with the community by liking, commenting, favoriting, sharing, and telling others about me. Por favor ayuden me y mis videos por compartiendo los con la communidad. Hagan like my pagina y cuentanles a otros! Website: Facebook: @Rokonlifeinsk Twitter: @noealz Instagram: @noealz‎ Tumblr: @noealz French Cafe by Platinumtrax ( Royalty Free Music , World Licensed under Standard License
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Time: 07:33 More in People & Blogs
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