What Can Americans Learn from Koreans?

No two cultures in the world are the same. Further, even within a given country, cultures vary greatly depending on the location. People from California are quite different in their thinking than are those from the Northeast. As there is also a difference between the northern and southern hemispheres of the East Coast.

So to be in a place like Korea will show very stark differences in cultural norms. Ways of dealing with issues. Determining what is appropriate and inappropriate.

I’ve come to see that there are things that Korea Can Learn from America, and likewise, things America can learn from Korea. Being in Korea for over three years, I’ve seen some aspects of the culture here that make me envious as an American. Not so much in the ways of products and services, but rather in the ways Koreans think and handle day-to-day, interpersonal issues.

There are two sides to every coin though, and lessons can be learned from both sides. In this vlog I talk about those things I’ve come to learn that Americans can definitely learn from Koreans.

I’ll post part deux later.

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the Red Dragon Diaries

ESL, Travel, and Judo!