Translation: Queer Toon 14: I hate myself for being like this

Here is a new Queer Toon by Angel Crazy that I actually can post because it isn't too raunchy...
14. I hate myself for being like this
Voice: Open the door. I have something to say. Are you sleeping?

Yellow: What are you doing this early in the morning? Haven't we
said that we don't have any sort of connection any more?
Blue: Are you saying we are finished? Are you saying
you can you arrange things so easily concerning me?

Yellow: Yes, I hate my hyeong. Our connection is completely gone.
I hate seeing even your form. Get out this minute.
Blue: Don't lie. If you hate me this way, how come...

Blue: ... as soon as you see me your pants are about to explode?
Yellow: Oh... this... sleeping... I was sleeping so  ; ; ;