Things I Like Thursday – Announcements

Things I Like Thursday – Announcements

Some announcements make your blood freeze and your muscles tense (remember being called to the stage at school assemblies?); there are those that make you furious (sitting aboard a delayed flight on the runway), while others are easily ignored and have little impact on your life “staff announcement, calling Teresa aisle 9″. But the announcements I like are the kind that increase your heart beat and flush your cheeks, are both exciting and terrifying.

So today I make an announcement. I am engaged to be wed. It sounds so fantastical and medieval. I had never given marriage much thought, honestly. I tended to think of marriage as archaic and irrelevant. Even so, when my beloved was on bended knee offering me jewels, I instantly reverted into a stereotypical Disney character and giggled through my eyelashes as I said yes.  A much liked announcement.
A savvy vegan in South Korea
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