

Hey readers! I am so very very very VERY sorry for the weak update this week. At some point during my amazing weekend, I managed to catch something that has left me in a very bad place. I’m surprised I was able to draw this quick thing without passing out. Does it look okay? I fear I might be hallucinating and just drawing senseless pictures of cats.

Anyways, to make up for this mishap, I’ll have a brand new comic for you next week. Here’s hoping it doesn’t mess with the schedule too much!

Also, for you Americans (and even non-Americans), I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for (though I could do without this cold), and the awesome support I’ve received from you readers makes up a large part of by big ball of things to be grateful for.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go crawl into my bed and not come out until I can breathe through my nose again.

Feel free to tell me how your week was in the comments! I absolutely love reading stories from others. Did you have a good week? Did you have a bad one? Please share!

Jen Lee's Dear Korea

This is Jen Lee. She likes to draw.
She also likes green tea.

Got any questions, comments, or maybe even some delicious cookies you want to send through the internet? Feel free to contact us at dearkoreacomic at gmail dot com.

You can also leave comments on the comic’s Facebook Page!