Seoul Mayor Trying to Make Korea Women-Friendly

Now we all know that South Korea as a whole is very male dominated.  We have female friends who live in South Korea and they’ll naturally mention the inequality between men and women in the work force.  But in politics, it might be more glaring.  Old habits are hard to break, especially in the world of politics but the re-elected mayor of Seoul, Oh Se-Hoon, is trying to make a paradigm shift towards gender sensitivity.   Newsweek interviewed the mayor to ask him about his women-friendly initiative, which includes expanding women’s restrooms and making them safer and accessible.  Restrooms you say?!  How does that have any importance in making Korea more women sensitive?  Well it may not sound much, but as you read the short interview, you’ll see that it’s these little things to start the shift going.  You be the judge.

Source: Newsweek


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