Saha District critters

On Sunday, the little guy and I hit the beach and this time we were prepared with a pasta strainer and plastic terrarium.  Here is what I think is a poison fish -that’s not the name but it looks to be related to a puffer, two crabs unfortunately caught in the act -and bravely unwilling to stop, and two …lobsters?  I don’t know what they are -nor, in fact the scientific names of any of our catch.

We also found a twofer here:

There is a flat-bodied crab trying to hide in the shell and a hermit crab’s claws at the bottom-left.

All animals we caught were released more or less where they had been collected but many others were not.  One family went home with a pail full of the flat-bodied crabs and other fisherfolk were everywhere.

The next ‘critters’ are family but they reminded me eerily of the immature white herons I had seen a month ago following tractors and collecting the disturbed insects.  Here, the far-less-icky prey is potatoes.

That was on Sunday.  On Tuesday, I hiked up a local mountain and found myself sharing the path  with this guy.

Later, I found a pheasant.

There were droppings of a large herbivore but I haven’t seen any yet.