Run Ragged

I must hie myself to the hospital. Weeks of weekends with not a jot of rest, coupled with flagrant abuse of alcohol has left my pushing-40 body in a ravaged state. I just ignored last week's cold in an effort to mentally forbid it. My lungs now feel like they're filled with swampwater. Yesterday morning I made the mistake of eating some soup that a guest made a few days back - too many days back, actually - since I succeeded in giving myself mild food poisoning. Add some no-joke insomnia to the mix and you have a cocktail of crap.

This last month has seen two bachelor parties, and two weddings, along with countless gigs, parties, and other such engagements that often seem more obligatory than by choice. I'm looking forward to America just for some proper down time. If I feel less-than-motivated once do reach her fair shores, please, please understand.