Queer Toon: Gaysbook (게이스북)

I like these cartoons written by 변천, but they are often NSFW. I figured it would be ok to post this one...


It's been a while to go out in Jongno and some time to meet my Facebook friends (페친) at  번지 없는 주막 (I'm pretty sure this is what he means).  Everybody have a fiery Saturday (in the sense of going and getting wasted)!! 


*Passing by sound*

Ted White: It was very nice running into you in Jongno. The blue jumper suited you very well. Ha ha ha.
You seem to have a fashion sense.  Lol. Please go on a date with me (JK, but not really)

Kevin: It was nice meeting you as well. Your beauty is not mine but so fucking gorgeous. LOL. I like
to go to Jongno because I can see all of my Facebook friends including you.