Positively 47th 번길

This evening after running some post-work errands, as I was nearing my apartment I decided it was too nice out to go home.  Does anyone else ever feel that way?  The weather was too nice, and there was still too much of the sun hanging in the sky to go sit in my apartment.  So instead, I decided to roam my neighborhood, specifically my street. 
Just another day in the Dayeon 1-Dong
I've been in my apartment since the end of February and until today I hadn't ventured down to all the way to the very end of my street (it's not a short street by anyone's description). 

For those of you who have never been to Korea, this is what a lot of it looks like behind the scenes a bit.  A weird mash of modern, not so modern, more traditional, and stuff that was literally finished yesterday.

Welcome to my street.
This is where the sidewalk ends, or rather starts since I live on a minor street tucked in a couple blocks from more major, sidewalk-wielding streets.

So on my ride, I found back doors of restaurants,

and front doors of homes.
I really love the doors and gates of Korean homes.

How can you not ?  So many of the doors are so intricate and really beautiful.

Doesn't it just look like you imagine Korea to look?  It does to me, at least.

With so many apartments and building up instead of out the majority of the time to maximize space, I think Korean homes are so special.

Of course there are plenty of shops and apartments too,

 and a kindergarten right next door to my apartment building that looks like a castle. 

With bushes heavy with roses,

cute mailboxes,

and jimjilbangs just around the corner,
it's hard not to love this place and the hidden beauty it possesses.

Happy Teacher's Day to all of my fellow teachers,  it puts butter on my bread, money in my pocket, my feet in places I never thought I'd see - let alone get to explore, and joy in my heart.

From Busan with Love,

From Roam with Love