Outcome-based Health/Fitness


-FITNESS OUTCOMES should be the same for all people
- operationalised as EXIT BEHAVIORS (->targets)

- progress towards them measured against BENCHMARKS (->attainment levels)

FITNESS OUTCOMES: (traditional indicators of fitness used for everyone)
DEC & FEB figures:

- BMI?                
- Cms around waist           96 - 97
-cms around right wrist      17 - 17
- resting heartbeat            
- Body Fat %                    24 - 24  
- Weight                            89 - 90
- Flexibility (in hand to toes sitdown reach test)

EXIT BEHAVIORS (-> my own targets):
- putting for 30th June 2015 = 3 months and 6 days (=186 days remaining)

- 100 pushups in 1 set
- 100 situps in 1 set
- 10kms run in 1 hour

BENCHMARKS (-> only as benchmarks to serve difference and why, not real targets..):
- divide each exit behavior by how many months then increase one month value by one month.
e.g. 100 / 3 = 33

MONTH 1: 33 pushups in 1 set        33 situps in 1 set        3km run in 1 hr  
MONTH 2: 66 pushups in 1 set        66 situps in 1 set        6km run in 1 hr
MONTH 3: 99+1 pushups in 1 set    99+1 situps in 1 set    9+1km run in 1 hr

Standard (Habitual) Meals:

1 cup brown rice (218 cals)
1 carrot (31 Cals) / 1 cup spinach (20 Cals) / 1 cup red lettuce (20 Cals)
1 can tuna (225 Cals) / 200g chicken breast (330 Cals)/ 200g pork (436 Cals)
14 almonds (97 Cals)
2 bananas (baby = 97 Cals; medium = 178Cals) / 2 mandarins (81Cals)
1 cup green tea + coffee mixture (+ sometimes little milk)
3 glasses water

Range from: 668 Cals -> 843 Cals ->  879 Cals

Cereal: 252-300Cals

Daily Totals: 
Tuna: 1588 Cals - 1636 Cals
Chicken breast: 1938 Cals - 1986 Cals
Pork: 2010 Cals - 2058 Cals

BMR: 1897 Calories per day
Calories to Maintain: 2276 Cals per day.
20% reduction: 1821 Calories per day (daily target)

- 3/4 cup brown rice, not 1 cup rice (218 Cals -> 164 Cals = difference of 54 Cals)
- veggies every meal (get full from lower cals carb source)
- 1 banana not 2 (97 -> 48 cals or 178 -> 89 cals = difference of 48 or 89 cals)
- 12 almonds only (97 -> 83 Cals = 14 Cals difference)
- always measure cooked meat (so not over 200g = too many cals)
- keep to americanos, no cafe lattes

Model take from:

- LEARNING OUTCOMES (->standards) should be the same for all students
- operationalised as EXIT BEHAVIORS (->targets)
- progress towards them measured against BENCHMARKS (->attainment levels)


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