Nude Korean Artist Creates a Stir

From Busan Haps

Miru Kim has been working with various photographers around the world in a project that features her posing nude in urban areas. Turkish papers reported that she was arrested during a project in Istanbul, which was financed by Samsung Turkey. 

Korean-American photographer Miru Kim, who is known for her nude photos in various cities around the world was reportedly arrested in Istanbul, apprehended by police after a citizen reported her for taking nude photographs in an Islamic mosque in the Turkish capital according to news reports.

Kim, a native of StonehamMassachusetts who was raised in Seoul, said that her project in Turkey was funded by Samsung.

“With a generous sponsorship of Samsung Turkey, I was able to spend five weeks in Istanbul...I photographed some rarely visited ruins in and around Istanbul, and printed eleven new images as a part of the larger Naked City Spleen series.”

She recently denied being arrested in the Korean media.

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