My Eyes are Cracking

I don't remember exactly when this started in class, but according to my kindergarten students, my eyes are "cracking". 

Now almost daily one or more of them will get really close to my face look into my eyes really hard and proclaim that my eyes are cracking. It's becoming one of their new favorite things.

I will admit I don't help matters, and kind of egg them on by going on to tell the kids that my eyes crack a little more each day and that one day my eyes are going to fall right out.  Then I move my contacts around in my eyes and really freak them out.

  They're not that used to seeing hazel eyes and my eyes do have weird patterns in them, but it's just one of those great things that only a child's mind could think of.

 Along that same line, the other day at lunch, when all the kids were saying that everyone at the table was a different animal, Owen told me that I was the "Zoo Keeper".  It was one of those 'you have no clue how right you are' moments.  I love how kids minds work, most of the time.

From Busan with Cracking Love,

From Roam with Love