It's Soju Cocktail Hour: The So-milk

Lighter and just a tad sweeter than vodka, rice-based soju lends itself well to mixing. Koreans usually drink soju solo, taking shots of it over a long, social meal. Sometimes, locals drop a soju shot into a glass of beer, creating what they call a so-mek. So for soju; mek for mekju, the Korean word for beer. Shane's drank a couple at the invitation of our school's head honcho. 

I have a weak stomach, not able to take it straight up. This reality, combined with soju's ridiculous inexpensiveness (about $1.00 for a sixteen ounce bottle), has led us to some sweet soju experimentation that we'll share with you in a series of posts. 

Straight from our kitchen, soju cocktail recipe number one:

The So-milk
 soju + Milkis soda

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This cocktail is a great choice for folks who like to drink, but don't like the taste of alcohol, as the soda covers the soju's taste. Simple but deliciosa. Creamy but packing a punch. I could drink this for days, especially sweltering summer days on the beach. Can't wait for those.