Info about South Korea

South Korea (Republic of Korea) lies between North East China and Japan has minor influences of both Chinese and Japanese culture because of its history.

Listed below are some facts and info about South Korea that one should know if he or she has any interest in Korea.

  1. The capital of South Korea is Seoul. It is the most densely populated city with almost half of the country’s population residing in Seoul.
  2. It has a highly advanced technology infrastructure, with a large number of broadband users. It is very common in Korea, where you can spot an ajumma catching up on her favorite drama on her mobile handset while travelling in public transport.
  3. South Korea is a leader in ship building and has exported an approximate value of 15.09 billion USD in its ship trade in 2004 alone.
  4. South Korea has the eighth largest company of soldiers in active duty in the world, as well as the second biggest Marine Corps, next only to the United States.
  5. Taekwando is the national sport of Korea.
  6. Samsung, LG, Posco, Hyundai, KIA Motors are the famous chaebols in South Korea to name a few.
  7. KOSPI is the index of all common stocks traded on Korean Stock Exchange.
  8. In Education, South Korean kids are the best in the world at science and maths. Some sources also say that Korea has the highest per capita Phd in the world. (no facts available)
  9. South Korea ranks number 1 in scientific literacy and library membership.
  10. Korea too faces the problem of a rapidly ageing population.
  11. Obesity is the lowest in South Korea.
  12. Korea also ranks the lowest for terrorism and crime (bribe, burglary, drug offence etc.)
  13. Soju, Maekju (beer) and Makkoli (rice wine) are the popular drinks in Korea.
  14. Korean music is popular in the form of K-pop.
  15. Gimbap can easily be mistaken to be the Korean version of Sushi.

References:, and wikipedia.