
This is not a Spam


There are some fundamental laws of physics that no one can argue. Gravity or inertia need not be argued or debated. They are rules of nature.


There is another. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. It merely changes form. The sun gives energy to plants. Animals eat the plants and grow and crap, which feeds the plants and we eat the plants and the animals and we grow. We die and our bodies transform into a rotting stink, feeding the bugs. The cycle continues. Nothing is REALLY created or destroyed. Trees turn into fire into ash into gases. Form is merely transferred. This is another law of physics, or rule of nature.


So what about our souls? Is a brain a soul? No. A brain, imagination, identity, purpose – all the things that make you YOU, they are all physical. They can all be explained by some function in your brain and/or body. And they, like your body, will eventually die. So what about our souls? Is possessing a soul just part of our imagination as well? If science is your main belief and rationale your credo (to repeat myself) then yes, you have no soul.


But what if a soul does exist? 


Buddhists believe that EVERYTHING in this world will come to an end. Impermanence is the 2nd Fundamental Principle of Buddhism. That is, everything in the physical universe will die. Hindus, too, believe everything earthly will die. Everything, that is, except GOD. And we are GOD. We, that is, our immortal souls, are all part of GOD. That soul that lies within every person, animal, living creature, is also immortal. It is part of GOD. 


Therefore, when we die, it is only our bodies and our brains and everything we knew in this world that dies. Our souls come back in the form of another life. The soul was never born; therefore, it can not die. We, that is, our souls have all been around since the beginning of time. But since memory resides in the brain, we have no recollection of past lives. 


Heaven and Hell are Western concepts. Perhaps they are just representations of reincarnation. Good people come back as healthy people – Heaven. Bad people come back as animals or messed up people – Hell. 


Karma is an Eastern Concept. Perhaps it is just a variation on the Western – judgment day concept. Your actions in this life will affect your place in the next life.


Nobody knows for certain anything of this sort. That’s why we call belief in this sort of stuff ‘faith’ because none of it can ever be proven.


Most Western religious concepts require leaps of faith – heaven, hell, purgatory, the devil, etc. The Hindu concept of a GOD centered universe that we are all a part of and the physical world just being a temporary situation with choices that, in the end and with regards to the entire universe, are essentially meaningless – this concept makes sense without any great leaps of faith.  Furthermore, believing that everything is temporal and  that our lives have no real meaning in terms of the universe does not make you a nihilist. 

No matter how chaotic life may seem, there is order.  Find GOD, really find GOD -- not in a church or in a book, but in your heart and soul and you will find meaning. Because only then, will you find yourself – your true self, that is. And when your true self is realized, you will find immortality.  Your soul was never born, therefore, your soul will never die.  That by definition is immortality.